Friday 9 November 2018

Cavity Prevention And Dental Care For Kids

A kid's dental care begins as soon as the kid is born. Today, more and more kids are effected by teeth cavities and other oral problems. A kid generally gets his first set of teeth between the age of six months and three years. There are twenty primary teeth which often fall between the age of six years to eleven years and are replaced by permanent teeth. The last permanent teeth erupts usually within the age of twenty one.
Babies tend to develop tooth decay if proper food is not supplied or if there is lack of care in a regular basis. Use a wet, soft cloth to clean the gums daily to guard against bacterial development. Use an infant brush with a smear of toothpaste to brush his teeth till the age of two. Then, slowly teach him to brush under your supervision. Do not put your baby to sleep without brushing his teeth at night. Even you feed your infant to put him to sleep, make sure you wash his mouth with water before you put him to sleep because when the sugar from the milk stays in the mouth for long, it can eat away at the enamel resulting in discolored teeth or even teeth cavities.
Food is an essential part of oral health. Give nutritious food like whole grains, vegetables and fruits, cheeses, meats and beans, etc. that will help to maintain healthy teeth and gums and will avoid tooth decay. Water is the best fluid for your body as well for your teeth. Water may contain natural fluoride which prevents tooth cavity. Try to avoid food that are reach in processed carbohydrates and sugar such as pastries, white bread, crackers, chips, cookies, etc. Eating such unhealthy food in a continuous manner causes repeated acid attacks on the teeth. Eat at regular intervals and eat healthy to keep your teeth and gums healthy.
Consult your dentist to confirm if your kid needs extra fluoride intake. Your dentist may prescribe supplements or gels and creams to be applied to your kid's teeth in such condition. Follow your doctor's advise as too much fluoride is toxic and may stain a child's teeth. Keep your kid away from any mouthwashes that contain alcohol and from cigarette smoke as they may cause tooth decay, cavities, gum diseases and other health issues. Check for any dental injury or thumb-sucking. Consult your dentist if there is an emergency or your kid cannot stop such bad habits.
Start flossing once your child's tooth starts to touch each other. Use plastic flossing tools. Talk to your dentist about the right technique and timing to floss your child's teeth. Teach him to brush his teeth at every angle and use disclosing tablets from time to time to check if there is any plaque is left on your child's teeth even after brushing. The disclosing tablets will color any plaque left on the teeth after brushing. These are chewable and are easily available at any medical shop. Visit your dentist every once in a while for proper oral check up.